Physician Entrepreneur > Provocative Title Needed: Lecture On Entrepreneurship & Nonclinical Opportunities
My Wife's Reaction to My Entrepreneurial Activities: "You're $%#* Kidding Me. Right?"

Credit to that comment must go to Dr Mike Woo-Ming - who had a more colorful way of articulating the title....

Not sure I can outdo Jeff, but here goes:
Bioenterprise for Surgeons
Bench to Boardroom
And you thought medicine was tough?
How to find a mistress without texting
Biobusiness Basics
From Boards to Boardroom

I love the prior replies. Arlen's "how to find a mistress without texting" is superb.
How about something as simple as "The Modern Physician." Our forefathers and foremothers in medicine all had to learn skills to work in their specific medical environments. In today's world, expanding out from clinical practice and learning the business of medicine is a necessity at this point in my opinion.

Kicking 'On Call' To The Curb
Trading Security For Opportunity
Leap, And The Net Will Appear
The Crazies Who Rule The World
Never Let Skin Stand Between You And An Opportunity

She Married A Surgeon But Sleeps With An Accountant

Dissecting New Opportunities: How to Carve Out Sucess on Your Terms

I need a provocative title for Surgery Grand Rounds on Entrepreneurship and other Non-Clinical Opportunities for Surgeons.
I will be experimenting giving this type of lecture at Stanford Surgical Grand Rounds on January. I welcome any advice on a provocative title and also on some potential content.
I look forward to hearing from many of you.
Many thanks and regards,