Thankful Children Are More Successful
Recent research indicates that children who are thankful grow up to be healthier, happier, more successful adults. Seeing the glass half full, a sense of optimism,and avoiding people who are negative are important leadership and entrepreneurial traits. What's more, even if you are a grumpy, negative or annoying, behavioralists and experts in emotional intelligence tell us you can change your behavior.
If you find you are in a negative spiral, try some of these things starting today:
1. Make a list of three things that you appreciate and for which you are thankful. Being a doctor in the US is not so bad after all.
2. Follow the no asshole rule. Whenever possible, stay away from bosses , workmates and acquaintances who are negative, grumpy, cynical, crass, fowl and just plan mean.
3. Do your good deed for the day. Give some something that they would value...a smile, a nice word, a piece of information, a contact on Linkedin.
4. Say please and thank you. Your grandmother was very smart and there is a reason she taught you that.
5. Don't curse.
Take this opportunity to be positive in the midst of all the changes in our lives. Your spouse, your kids and your dog will really appreciate it.
Happy Thanksgiving.

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