The Physician Entrepreneur's Christmas Reading List
Recommended holliday reading for physician entrepreneurs.
Sir William Osler, one of the fathers of American medical education, ennumerated in "Aequanimitas" several classics that every doctor should keep on his (or her) nightstand and suggested reading parts of them for 30 minutes every night.
In that vein, now that the holiday season is upon us, I thought I'd recommend a few book ideas to put on your gift list, some classics, some recent, to help you or others along the bioentrepreneurial path to success. While not Seneca, Plato or other classicists, they certainly contain more than enough wisdom for many sleepless nights.
So here are the fabulous five:
1. Peter Drucker: Innovation and Entrepreneurship
2. Guy Kawasaki: The Art of the Start
3. Steven Johnson: Where do good ideas come from?
4. Robert Sutton: The No Asshole Rule
5. Timothy Ferriss: The 4 Hour Workweek
Like any good entrepreneur, you should rent, or buy used, and get as much as you can for free. Watch your cash. The total bill on Amazon is $55.82. The postage is free.
Sweet dreams and Happy Holidays.

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