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Want to have an exciting new job with Medecins Sans Frontieres?
We've just had a new opportunity posted on our non-clincal physician jobs site that's worth a post here as well. Here's part of the emal we received: I'm taking this opportunity to forward you an email from our friend and colleague Sebastian Spencer. Sebastian is an emergency physician working for Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) in Brussels, and he is looking for a replacement for himself in a fabulous position with MSF. Below is a description of this job opportunity for an emergency physician with interest and / or experience working in the field of international emergency medicine to work for MSF as their Emergency Care Advisor in Brussels, Belgium. The job involves at least 4 months of international placement / field work outside of Brussels with MSF, and administrative/development work in Brussels. There is also an opportunity to work separately but concurrently for nearby hospitals in Belgium, Germany, France, Netherlands or the UK (as several in that office already do). Please feel free to contact Dr Spencer about this truly exciting opportunity for emergency physicians, IEM fellows and others interested in IEM, and please distribute this to your elists of interested EM and IEM physicians. Here's more about the opportunity. You can find the listing and how to apply here at, our physician job board. From the job board posting: Work opportunity in International Emergency Medicine
Doctors Without Borders (MSF) – Operational Centre Brussels (OCB)
Emergency Care Advisor
For the last three years MSF-OCB has invested more and more in secondary
health care. By developing our activities in hospitals, we identified the
need to improve our offer in quality emergency care.
Job description
• Advise the HR department on recruitment events, recruitment criteria
of international staff, matching for field positions and training.
• Develop recommendations for ED design and patient flow, biomedical
equipment, essential drug list, staffing, national staff training, triage,
multiple casualty incident management, clinical expertise, treatment
protocols and clinical pathways.
• Promote emergency care in the organisation
• Develop a network of emergency care professionals
• Analysis and reporting of emergency care data
• Field visits to emergency care projects (minimum 4 months a year)
• Missions to assess potential for emergency care projects
• Clinical work, according to needs, in major disasters (i.e. Haiti
Current emergency care projects
• Pakistan: Timurgara, Dargai, Swat
• Afghanistan: Kabul, Lashkar Gah, Kunduz
• Iraq: Basra, Baghdad
• Haiti: Cité Soleil, Martissant, Sarthe
• Medical Doctor, clinical expertise in Emergency Medicine
• Experience in Intensive Care
• Work experience in the developing world, MSF experience is an asset
• Good knowledge of English, knowledge of French or Arabic is an asset
• Based in MSF-OCB headquarter in Brussels, Belgium (non-negotiable)
• Full-time position (part-time for 20-30% clinical activities
• Salary according to MSF-OCB scale (net salary between 2000 and 2500
• Medical insurance included
• Application before 18th March 2011 (introduction letter and
curriculum vitae), sent to
• Start date: April 2011 or ASAP (negotiable providing a handover can
take place in Brussels in April)
This represents a great opportunity to take part in a huge humanitarian
effort and to improve the quality of emergency care in many projects around
the world.

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