Freelance MD: 7,000 Unique Readers In Month 2
Freelance MD has passed 7,000 unique monthly readers in just two months.
I thought we may have a slower month in January after our first 30 days of astonishing growth, but I was wrong. Here's a screenshot showing how quickly Freelance MD is growing traffic, from 4,100 readers in December 2010 to 7,100+ in January 2011. That 70% month over month is a staggering jump.
At some point I'll be expecting this growth curve to flatten out since we're a pretty small niche - physicians interested in getting more control of their careers and lifestyle -
- We've added a physician jobs area that we're looking to grow. We'll be adding non-clinical jobs in the very near future.
- We continue to be sticky. This indicator—even more than the growth curve—is something to get excited about since it denotes that readers are heavily engaged.
- We continue to add new members across our network. From our LinkedIn Group to our physician members on this site. (You can join Freelance MD for free and get access to our members only areas and downloads.)
- We've got a number of new Select Partner applicatants that would like to be part of our community. With partners like Health 2.0, ExpedMed, and the Medical Fusion Conference, we're tapping in to a number of other communities and events that we can add value to.
- We're in the process of adding a number of new reports and downloads for our members and the should be up shortly.
- We've added a number of new physician authors over the last month and there are others who should be up and running in the next few weeks.
There'a more than a little going on behind the scenes as we continue to build this community as a trusted resource for docs. Please let us know how we're doing, give us suggestions, or just vent if there's information that you want but can't find. Leave us a comment.

The final number for January was 7,260 unique visitors. ; )