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Entries in Good To Know (1)


Napping For Performance

What's the perfect lenght for a nap that boots performance?

Napping is an art that some physicians have elevated to a science, and there's plenty of evidence to show that it's a proformance booster, but for how long? Nap too long and you'll suffer from sleep inertia: the feeling of being drowsy for an extended period. Nap too little and there's no point. Where's the napping sweet spot?

Brooks & Lack (2005) compared 5, 10, 20 and 30 minute naps to find the best length. For increased cognitive performance, vigour and wakefulness, the best naps were 10 minutes long. Benefits were seen immediately after 10 minute naps but after longer naps it took longer to wake up. Five minute naps only provided half the benefit, but were better than nothing.

File this under 'good to know'.

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