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Entries in Travel Medicine (3)


ExpedMed 2012 Brochure Available Now

Our 2012 ExpedMed brochure is now available.

If you're interested in learning more about the exciting CME activities offered by ExpedMed in the coming months, clink Here to download a pdf version of the brochure.

ExpedMed is a leading Expedition Medicine and Wilderness Medicine CME company.  In addition to the annual ExpedMed washington, DC conference, ExpedMed leads CME adventure trips to some of the most unique and remote places on earth.  


A Physicians Primer To International Travel

If you plan to travel overseas or even across the borders into Mexico or Canada, your plans need to include foresight and caution if you want to enjoy a hassle-free and healthy trip.

Knowledge about public health issues such as advisories, vaccines, environmental hazards and natural disasters and weather can eliminate surprises in your travel and help you be prepared in case you need to travel despite warnings. This primer can help you pinpoint your responsibilities and can make your travel plans easier by providing topics to heed and links to more expansive information about international travel.

To simplify your efforts, you might ask yourself the following questions and seek answers for your specific travel plans:

  1. Do you need a passport and visa? If you’re traveling across U.S. borders, this information is helpful in your identification and can ease travel snags. You may need to plan for these documents up to six months before you travel.
  2. Do you need immunizations or vaccines? Learn this information, ideally, about two months before your trip.
  3. Do you have any health issues that you need to address before travel? Learn more about what you may need for your current health issues and about other problems that you may encounter during your trip. This site also contains information about travel kits you might pack to address specific problems.

Other issues include whether or not you need travel insurance and if your destination is under any travel advisories or warnings. These advisories can occur at the last minute, even on the day you plan to leave…so plan ahead.

About Travel Advisories

Advisories are public notices issued by government agencies to provide information about the relative safety of traveling to and from foreign shores. Advisories can range from epidemics to natural disasters and from environmental issues to political upheavals. If your travel is necessary, be sure to check with officials locally and learn about the consulate available at your destination so you are prepared with a plan of action.

Note that advisories issued from the United States Department of State are called warden messages. U.S. embassies or consulates within foreign countries may issues advisories, which then are relayed to the U.S. Department of State and broadcast to U.S. citizens. The U.S. Department of State provides a list of U.S. embassies, consulates and diplomatic mission Web sites that you can peruse well before you plan your trip.

Traveling With Others

Finally, traveling with the elderly or with children poses special problems. Learn more about how you can make the trip enjoyable for yourself and for your companions. Everyone who travels with you must follow the same immunization plans, obtain passports and heed the same advisories. But, other issues may occur that you cannot possibly fathom. Web sites devoted to these issues, such as International Travel, Passports, Visas and Children & Family Issues can help you iron out those problems in advance.

Finally, the following list of ten excellent international travel sites can help you determine what you need to do when you make your plans.

Governmental Travel Health Links

  1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Travelers’ Health: The CDC is interested in saving lives, protecting people and saving money through prevention. They offer topics that range from information about destinations to vaccinations, diseases a way to find a clinic and resources and training.
  2. Foreign & Commonwealth Office Travel & living abroad: The country advice offered by this UK site is full of useful information for countries throughout the world. The Foreign & Commonwealth Office offers support to UK travelers in emergencies, and a range of services for businesses including document legislation.
  3. Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada Traveling and Living Abroad: This guide out of the Canadian government offers travel reports and warnings, information about consular services and more positive outlooks such as how to handle children and travel and a safe travel planner.
  4. Government of Western Australia Department of Health’s Healthy International Travel: This link leads to information from another perspective half a world away. Look at how this governmental health agency approaches international travel risks.
  5. U.S. Department of Homeland Security Transportation Security Administration: The Transportation Security Administration protects the Nation’s transportation systems to ensure freedom of movement for people and commerce. Although the TSA has come under fire recently for various harsh measures on travelers, they provide information on this site to help make your encounters with TSA more tolerable.
  6. U.S. Department of State Travel: A quick and easy guide to worldwide caution, including travel warnings and alerts, is provided in the left column on this intensive overseas travel site. Other helpful information includes tips for traveling abroad, advice for older travelers, and information about child abduction to child adoption.
  7. U.S. Department of State Bureau of Diplomatic Security: OSAC provides daily news, reports, events and incidents that can effect travelers and expatriates. They include a resource library and searches by countries and cities.

Other Helpful Travel Links

  1. International SOS [PDF]: This document contains information about a 24-hour worldwide assistance and emergency evacuation service for travelers and expatriates. Only members enrolled through a corporate membership or standard group members and paid for by the subscriber are eligible for services.
  2. Johns Hopkins Travel Center: This site is maintained by Supply Chain Shared Services and has been developed to provide faculty and staff with up-to-date information regarding University travel policies, services, and information. Look for travel warnings, useful sites and information about various agencies.
  3. Nations Online: Nations Online Project collects travel warnings around the world to help travelers and citizens to take their own decisions about their travel plans.
  4. UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health Office of Global Health Travel Requirements for UNC Public Health Students: Although intended for public health students, this page carries some great tips and information for anyone who travels. Scroll down the page to find a list of necessary items to take when traveling.
  5. World Health Organization’s Travel and Health: WHO carries general information about how to travel safely and provides specific information on infectious diseases and current updates on international health regulations. They also approach various issues such as food safety in attempts to educate the traveling public.

About: Jennifers blog is at

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How To Open A Travel Medicine Franchise?

Here on Freelance MD we often discuss unique business opportunities for the medically inclined or interesting clinical practice models.

One of the interesting opportunities that I've come across is the possibility of opening a travel medicine clinic through a franchise model with the company Passport Health.

Headquartered in Baltimore, Maryland, Passport Health allows owners to buy into their franchise model and "own" a specific geographic region for development.  They currently have over 160 locations and their website mentions opportunities for the entrepreneurially-minded:

If you are a health care professional or entrepreneur with appropriate connections, we can help you achieve your dreams. Passport Health is an excellent business opportunity for the right individual. Passport Health is a simple, low-overhead service company, which provides immunizations to those about to travel to a foreign country. Basically, we are in the immunization business; we offer on-site services such as Flu and Hepatitis clinics. However, we also specialize in safety and security travel information. We are already a household name in many areas across the country, but there are plenty of great territories remaining.

A follow-up email from the company provided more specific information about their franchise opportunity:

We generally sell large territories, including a city and the surrounding counties, with the owner expected to open multiple offices over time.  Our franchise fee is $35,000.00, and it includes training (5 business days), videos, materials and the use of our exclusive software, Passageware.  There is no build-out and very limited start-up expenses. Owners consist of doctors, nurses, and entrepreneurs, with one hospital (Sentara in Norfolk) and one university system (University of Rochester School of Nursing).  Due to the hard work of the individual owners and our marketing team, we are constantly adding corporate accounts and our business model is ever expanding to include all areas of vaccines.

Besides being an interesting field, Travel Medicine is open to healthcare providers from a variety of backgrounds.  While many Travel Medicine providers are trained in Infectious Disease, I know physicians with many different backgrounds involved in Travel Medicine.  

For those interested in Travel Medicine and desiring increased training in this area, our ExpedMed courses are an excellent way to be exposed to this niche.  Two Executive Board members from the International Society of Travel Medicine, Dr. Alan Magill and Dr. David Shlim, will be speaking this year at our Expedition Medicine National Conference that will be held September 16-18, 2011 at the Omni Shoreham hotel in Washington, DC. A prior post here on Freelance MD described other, multi-month programs in Tropical Medicine that are also available for those with increased desire and more time to invest.

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