Free Webinar: "How To Add $100,000 In Profits To Your Medical Practice With Evidence-Based Nutritional Supplements"
Thinking of adding evidence based nutritional supplements to your practice?
Dr. Dean Raffelock has been teaching physicians how to benefit from evidence based nutritional supplements for years.
Register for this webinar here
In this webinar, Dr. Dean Raffelock will teach you how you can add an extra $50,000 - $100,000 in profits to your existing medical practice each year.
What you'll learn:
- How to get started with NO cost and NO additional overhead!
- Why this is both completely ethical AND legal!
- Exactly what the clinical research says, and learn where to find it!
- ALL of the benefits of adding this to your practice right now!
Dr. Dean Raffelock has been practicing evidence based nutritional medicine for 35 years and he's going to hold your hand and get you started. If you're in solo or group clinical practice and you want to take greater control of your business and your career, this is a webinar that you won't want to miss. Register right now!

Reader Comments (3)
There is a company presently adding income to Drs' bottom lines via all-natural medicine called Medical foods. FDA-regulated, only available via prescription, and physician dispensed. This 9 medication group is also insurance-covered.
Drs average $40 profit per script, and they are happy with medication results with respect to riddance of side effects from current medications, when used in concert with same.
Pat-Thanks for commenting. Just looked those products and this is a very limited offering and I think there are far superior products out there. Also have to be wary of a nutriceutical company mostly focusing on neurotransmitter modulation that doesn't give exact milliigram dosages of neurotransmitters of neurotransmitter precursors. How would one know how to modulate dosages of ingredients up or down?Having helped formulate quite few neurotransmitter related products, I would say that the using glutamic acid (glutamate) in hopes that it will convert into GABA is playing with fire. Also...pharmaGABA is far more absorbable than GABA and the viral formula was clearly formulated by someone who in unaware of many of the most effective natural anti-viral nutriceutical choices. Ditto on the weight loss products. Good concept, inferior products. Please feel free to contact me directly if you wish to discuss. Best-Dr. Dean Raffelock
colon cleanse
great tips!