Storytelling & Presentations
If you're going to be a thought leader, you must convince.
If you're ever in the position of giving a presentation or of convincing an audience - even of one - of your position, you'll want to learn how to tell a tale. Storytelling is a cornerstone of any good presentation and learning to convince others of your point is a necessity.
Duarte Design is the force behind a host of powerful presentations. (If you're ever putting together a presentation you should take a look at how the great ones are built.)
More advice on how to present. Guy Kawasaki is a well know speaker and author and nails it with his 10 - 20 - 30 rule.

Reader Comments (1)
Right on, Jeff!
It's unbelievable the scarcity of people who actually devote enough time to crafting their story...whether it be for a lecture, conference, business pitch, casual conversation, or anything else. Products and services don't sell on their own..its the story behind them that people connect with. In the medical innovation & entrepreneurship course I teach at Hopkins, we spend a great deal of time ensuring the students have the pitch stories down. I can't stress enough how critical that is.
I am a HUGE fan and advocate of Nancy Duarte and her teachings - both from a storytelling perspective in RESONATE and presentation perspective in SLIDEOLOGY. Both of these books include must read tips for anyone looking to stand out, make an impact and succeed in life.