Free Physician-Only Webinar: Start Building Your Internet Business For Turning Your Passion Into Profits!
Free Deal for Freelance MD Members.
Your Own Internet Business — A Cure for the Risk-Averse Physician Entrepreneur.
Free Physician Webinar
The Deal: In this FREE webinar, Dr. Mike Woo-Ming will let let you in on exactly how he gave up his medical practice to triple his income by using the internet to sell information products.
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The Story: From a family of physicians, Dr. Mike Woo-Ming graduated Johns Hopkins and took up clinical practice in California, only to come to the realization that the harsh realities of clinical practice weren't going to end. From a tiny beginning, Dr. Mike started building additional revenue streams on the side to supplement his income as a MD, only to find that they replaced, and then far surpassed what he could make as a physician.
In this webinar Dr. Mike will share that story, and show you exactly how you can do the same thing; either as a part time revenue stream, or a full time nonclinical career change.
This Is For: Every physician who has thought about using the internet to make themselves financially free using the internet.
What You'll Learn In This FREE Webinar:
- What kinds of internet businesses are available to you right now!
- Painful dead-ends and lessons learned, and how to avoid them!
- How to decide if your idea is worth pursuing, or when to give it up!
- How to uncover hidden gems that you already know, and that people will pay you for!
- How to leverage your medical education in ways you never thought possible!
- How to turn what you're passionate about, into a real business!
- How to get started right now.
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