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Free Physician-Only Webinar: Start Building Your Internet Business For Turning Your Passion Into Profits!

Free Deal for Freelance MD Members.

Your Own Internet Business — A Cure for the Risk-Averse Physician Entrepreneur.

Webinar Dr. Mike Woo-Mingfree

Free Physician Webinar

The Deal: In this FREE webinar, Dr. Mike Woo-Ming will let let you in on exactly how he gave up his medical practice to triple his income by using the internet to sell information products.

Freelance MD Physician Webinar

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The Story: From a family of physicians, Dr. Mike Woo-Ming graduated Johns Hopkins and took up clinical practice in California, only to come to the realization that the harsh realities of clinical practice weren't going to end. From a tiny beginning, Dr. Mike started building additional revenue streams on the side to supplement his income as a MD, only to find that they replaced, and then far surpassed what he could make as a physician.

In this webinar Dr. Mike will share that story, and show you exactly how you can do the same thing; either as a part time revenue stream, or a full time nonclinical career change.

This Is For: Every physician who has thought about using the internet to make themselves financially free using the internet.

What You'll Learn In This FREE Webinar:

  • What kinds of internet businesses are available to you right now!
  • Painful dead-ends and lessons learned, and how to avoid them!
  • How to decide if your idea is worth pursuing, or when to give it up!
  • How to uncover hidden gems that you already know, and that people will pay you for!
  • How to leverage your medical education in ways you never thought possible!
  • How to turn what you're passionate about, into a real business!
  • How to get started right now.

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How To Start Your Own Internet Business For The Risk-Averse Physician Entrepreneur

How To Turn Your Passion Into ProfitsNew

In a recent issue of Medical Economics, I was astonished when I read the title of the cover "Passion Powers Success". To my amazement, the topic was discussing Physician Entrepreneurship, and the importance of running your own business.

Free Webinar

For years, physician entrepreneurship was often considered "taboo". Just recently, I was approached to speak at a physician conference.  However once I had mentioned the title 'Becoming Your Own Boss"- they asked if we could change the topic to something else.

"We don't want to train doctors that way" - says a nameless physician spokesman, as if somehow my speech will cause an exodus of doctors leaving the field and cause mass destruction to our healthcare system.

Is the phrase “physician entrepreneur” an oxymoron?

Becoming an entrepreneur, does not necessarily means quitting your day job.  What it does give you is more choices of what you want to do in your life.  I know many entrepreneurs who still maintain a partial or even full practice, yet are enriched with the challenges and rewards that being one brings.

Now being an entrepreneur is obviously not without its risks. If you have ever watched the ABC Show “Shark Tank”, you will see evidence of everyday inventors who have spent their life savings on creating products, and later finding out the hard way that no one else would want to buy it.

Some think being an entrepreneur requires you to buy a business or franchise.  One couple I have been consulting with recently took over a jewelry business.  They rent store space, hired employees and pay massive overhead.  They take turns working at a store for 12 hours a day, including weekends, while still working their current job. Although they are now making a profit, they have in a sense “bought a second job”.

Many of the above examples, could have been solved by testing out ideas and products using the internet first.  The internet is the greatest level playing field we could every have.  It allows you to reach people in a cost-effective manner in almost any demographic, occupation, or niche market.  My client could have created a website selling jewelry, hired a virtual assistant to run and take orders, and avoid the extra financial costs of running a “brick and mortar” store.

And if you feel you do not have the technical knowhow in building a website, sometimes you don’t even need one! I recently had a great conversation with a radiologist who I helped get his first ebook onto Amazon.  In a short time period, he averages about 10 sales a day, and gets a nice check each month. The best part is he only had to create it once, but it is on a topic that is “evergreen”, content that will always be relevant,  where we both expect sales to continue for years to come.  He already has plans of creating five related books in this field by the end of the year now and building a nice nest egg for him and his family.

Becoming an entrepreneur opens you up to more business models and different ways of thinking. As doctors, generally we only make more money by seeing more patients.  However through the internet, you have the ability to create and launch products such as ebooks, apps, information products, newsletters, subscription sites, and home study online courses where it is created once and get paid on a regular basis. If the only way you are generating revenue is by seeing more patients, it is time to open and consider different avenues of revenue.


Why Being An Expert Is Making You Useless On Facebook

Why Being An Expert Is Making You Useless On Facebook

Free from Frontdesk

The Deal: This free deal for Members comes from the social media guru's at Frontdesk; 5 simple tips that will stop you from acting like an expert (or jackass) on Facebook and hurting your business and professional reputation. Instead of falling into the same traps as everyone else, Frontdesk has put together a quick-reading report that will put you on the path to using Facebook to benefit your business instead of hurting it.

The Story: 1 out of every 8 minutes spent online... is spent on Facebook.

Facebook is 800 million strong and it's not letting up. As a physician, if you're in private practice you're going to be using Facbook. In this report you'll find the 5 common things that almost everyone does to position themselves as an 'expert', and why these practices backfire.

Why Being An Expert Is Making You Useless On Facebook

This may be a surprising headline from a community that is teaching you how to become know a though-leader in your field. After all, isn’t Facebook the social network and isn’t being know as an expert what we’re all after?

Sure, 800 million people represents an amazing opportunity…but it can also be a little daunting, and a little scary. With so many people watching, even the slightest mistakes are magnified.

As many doctors have learned (the hard way), Facebook marketing isn’t just a matter of throwing up a few posts and waiting for the “likes” and accolades to start trickling in. Here’s some straight talk; most of the advice you hear about Facebook is junk… Not just useless but advice that can actually hurt your reputation and drive paying customers and clients away.

The good news is, you can learn from them without committing them yourself.

In this free report from Frontdesk you'll discover some of the most common blunders that could turn your business’ Facebook page into a deadly weapon – and why your well-meaning mistakes could be making you useless on Facebook.

Of course this report is only free for Members only.

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