How Doctors Becomes Successful Writers
Suzanne Koven, MD, is an internist who came to the publishing course that I direct at Harvard Medical School ( a few years ago. At that time her goals were to hone her writing skills and to learn more about publishing opportunities.
A year later, I invited her back to speak to the attendees--one of the few "Success Stories" we have featured at the course who has not actually published a book (though that's about to change with her first book coming out soon).
What I remember most about Suzanne's talk was her football analogy about "moving the chain." As I watched the New England Patriots win the AFC playoff game today I was reminded of Suzanne's comments when my daughter asked me to explain how downs work. Getting something published--anything at all--is a lot like a first down. Touchdowns aren't elusive, but they are harder to achieve. Super Bowl victories are even more difficult. But, it all starts with moving the chain and getting close to that first down and then actually achieving the first down.
Perhaps I was thinking about Suzanne today, because she is now a professional physician-writer who regularly contributes to The Boston Globe. Her article in today's paper--the same day that the Patriots will advance to the Super Bowl--is titled "Doctors Who Write"
Suzanne has continuously moved the chain, scored too many first downs to count, won many important games and is now on her way to the Super Bowl! Suzanne, go for it--we'll be watching you!!