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Entries by Jeff, Freelance MD (120)


Waiting Room DVD & Video Marketing

Video marketing for your waiting room? If you're running a practice, you'll want to watch this...

Frontdesk is launching truly awesome waiting room video marketing DVDs for doctors, dentists, chiropractors, medical spas, laser clinics and pretty much every other small business with a waiting room or lobby...

Putting a jaw-dropping, attention grabbing video in your waiting room or lobby is the perfect way to add additional sales and profits to your clinics bottom line.

The benefits are obvious. You're marketing directly to a captive audience that's already in your business with information about your products and services. Your clients will be entertained at the same time that you're educating and informing them of the scope of your services. Special offers? New services? Packages or gift certificates? Video marketing will 'soft-sell' your clients and get conversations started that result in increased sales!

If you're a dentist, physician, medical spa, clinic, chiropractor or any other small business that has a waiting room, you'd be a fool to pass up learning how you can increase your profitability and drive extra sales just by engaging and communicating the right message to your existing clients or patients. It's truly a no-brainer.

This system has been proven in countless businesses that understand that communicating the right message, in the right way, adds to the bottom line.

They're booked solid right now but you can get on their waiting list and be notified when space becomes available.

Note: All images, videos, headlines and copy are copyrighted...


HARO: Help A Reporter

Looking for press as a physician or a business?

There’s a secret among best-selling authors and experts. It’s called HARO:

Over 30,000 journalists and media professionals who are looking to interview experts post them on HARO. And the best part is these emails come to you - for FREE.

Just signup for updates and follow-up with journalists looking to interview experts in your niche market.

The most popular way to use HARO is as a "source" - you can contact the journalists and try to get featured in their magazine, newspaper or on their blog when they are looking for an expert.

Don't get discouraged if they don't all respond. Just keep plugging away, be persistant and you'll get some hits.


Free Webinar: Protecting Your Reputation As A Doctor

Reputation Webinar

Free Webinar: How To Control & OWN Your Business & Personal Reputations Online!  Register here

While I'll be teaching this for any business or professional who needs to own their own reputation, this is especially important for doctors and medical professionals.

Reputation management has become an incredibly hot and relevant topic with the rise of all of the review sites that are filled with flaming physician reviews. So, I'm going to be teaching a number of techniques and strategies for physicians that will allow you to protect and control your reputation.

Unfortuantely, it's very true that your business or medical reputation can be hijacked in seconds by a one unhappy patient, disgruntled employee or nasty competitor... but in just one hour, you'll discover exactly how to protect and OWN your personal and business reputations online without needing a phD in geek.

Here's some of what you'll learn:

  • What you should NEVER do when you're flamed online (but what almost everyone does)!
  • How to get negative reviews and comments removed!
  • What you should do IMMEDIATELY when your reputation is attacked!
  • How to make negative reviews and comments impossible to find!
  • What legal options you have!
  • The insider tips and tricks that the pros use to protect their own reputations!
  • How to get your existing patients to give you RAVING reviews!

This is a must-see webinar for any professional or business owner.

Thanks to Ryan over at Frontdesk for putting these together and getting everyone on board. (If you're running a business, Ryan will also be offering a deal for website seo and patient satisfaction marketing at the end of the webinar so you'll want to make sure you stick around for that.)


Botox Training MD

Botox Training MD?

This is the first of the many information products and services that we're helping to make available to give you as a physician more control of your income, career or lifestyle.

Botox Training MD is a membership site that gives you the information you need to put your foot in the door of cosmetic medicine and add another revenue streat to your clinic or practice.

The course is taught by Marc S. Scheiner MD and replicates the two-day, 14 CME credit course on Botox and fillers that Dr. Scheiner teaches through the American Society of Aesthetic Medical Professionals (ASAMP).

Botox Training MD has taken that course, distilled it into a video training course, and added a tremendous number of other relevant information on marketing, performing consultations, handling complications, sample consent and follow-up forms, and additional bonus products. The course also handles the most common filler injections (Restylane, Juvederm, etc) and both basic and advanced treatments. In short, it's a no-brainer if you're a GP or family doc or you just have access to some patient flow and would like to begin offering some cosmetic services as an additional revenue stream.

Best of all, since the entire course is online and available to physicians world-wide, you don't have to travel or leave your practice and you'll get a free lifetime membership.

The general Botox course is not open to the public yet but as a Freelance MD member you can get on the early-bird wait list now and be informed as soon as the site opens to new members which should be soon. (If you get on the early-bird list you'll also get some limited-time specials like a free lifetime membership and some additional bonuses that will save you a some geld.)

You can jump on the early-bird notification list here: Botox Training MD

Note: This course is designed exclusively for medical professionals.


Giving A Lecture For Physicians

In all seriousness though, I've been to more than my share of lectures for med students, residents, and beyond. I've heard some people who were clearly naturally good speakers but didn't know how to give a good lecture. Anyway, in my opinion, these are tips you can do to give a good powerpoint lecture:

  1. Lots of pictures! Pictures to illustrate your points, not stupid clipart.
  2. Limit the number of words on a slide. One thing that drives me nuts is a slide filled with so much text, you can't even begin to read it. What's the point?
  3. Involve the audience if possible. A good speaker is engaging without having to even talk to the audience, but if you're like me and not the greatest speaker of all time, asking questions of the audience keeps them awake.
  4. Involve the audience BUT don't pick on the audience. I still will never forgive this pathologist who called on me by name to answer a question during a grand rounds with like 200 people in the audience. Even in a small group, I think it's kind of mean.
  5. Don't have text fly in from off the screen. Do people still do this? If so, stop it.
  6. Don't go into too much detail about research studies. Especially YOUR research studies. Unless of course, it's a journal club.
  7. Repeat key points. I've read that people can retain 3 points from any lecture, so figure out what those 3 points should be and make sure to hammer them home.
  8. Don't go on too long. After a certain point, no matter how good your lecture is, everyone just wants to leave and won't hear a word you're saying.

Also, if you can possibly manage, do NOT show photos of your children and/or dog during the lecture. Seriously, I hate that. (I'm sorry, I didn't mean that. Your kids are adorable. I love that little hat your daughter is wearing.)

About: Doctor Fizzy works as a physiatrist and blogs at

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Upcoming Product Launches On Freelance MD

We're working hard on the number product launches for physicians to help you increase your income and have more control over your lifestyle.

The first three or four of these will be launched over the next two weeks or so and include a webinar on how to protect and control your online reputation, a membership site that teaches physicians how to add new cosmetic Botox and fillers to their existing clinical practice (Botox Training MD), some videos on social marketing and building relationships and quite a few others. These are being launched in conjunction with other physicians and businessesto have information and expertise that are of value to the Freelance M.D. community.

We are also working on integrating a number of new technologies into our systems and providing greater conductivity for our membersand will be rolling out some new systems in the (hopefully) near future.

One of the principles that we founded freelance and beyond is the idea that there are many physicians who have information that is of value but that is siloed and unavailable outside of the confines of a medical conference or seminar.

One of our goals is to take that information and to make it much more widely available to physicians who want it by building information products and membership sites that allow very specialized information a broad reach and benefit both the author and the consumer.

We will be announcing a number of these products in the next few weeks... and besides just building in announcing these new products, I'll be diving into great deal of detail about how we produce this content and how physicians can benefit from it. My hope is that you'll take a look and give this new system a chance.

PS: As a side note, if you're a physicianor medical provider that has some specialized knowledge that you think would benefit from a wider physician audience please contact us and let's discuss if there is a way that we get that online.


Primum Non Nocere: “Above All, Do No Harm!” Part 1

By Dr. Dean Raffelock D.C., Dipl. Ac., CCN, DIBAK

The popularity and profitability of far too many of the most commonly prescribed drugs have nothing to do with real science… or avoiding doing harm to patients.

The robust sales of these drugs far too often represent a triumph of advertising over science.

Most physicians consider themselves to be medical scientists trained to believe that the double-blind, placebo- controlled clinical study is the ‘gold standard’ of medical science. Drug companies claim to implement this unbiased gold standard on the studies they pay for to test their own products. This has become alarmingly less true. “Above all, do no harm!” has too often been replaced by “Above all, profits!”…and the truth be damned.

One of the most glaring examples of this is the 30 million or more people in the U.S. taking SSRI drugs. The meta-studies are conclusive that SSRIs work only for the most severe cases of serotonin mediated depression. Yet despite all the harmful side-effects (effects!) of these drugs, millions of people with mild to moderate depression are condemned to suffer. Significant weight gain, sexual dysfunction, suicidal ideation, murderous violence, loss of dopamine and the resultant vulnerability toward Parkinson’s disease are just a few of the potential effects from SSRIs. Reflexively prescribing this class of drugs first (especially before counseling lifestyle changes and nutritional strategies) often violates our first priority ‘Primum non nocere.’

In a recent ten-year period, pharmaceutical company spending on ‘direct-to-consumer’ antidepressant ads increased from $32 million to $122 million! During this time many studies that demonstrated no benefits or serious adverse effects were suppressed. Pharmaceutical companies are depending upon the old adage “if they hear it enough, they will eventually believe it.” That is not science, it is the power of repetitive suggestion.

Even very smart physicians with years of medical training are vulnerable to this type of unrelenting, repetitive advertising. What doctor has all the time it takes to read complete original studies and evaluate all the data? Most of the time reading the abstract will have to do. Or… reading the interpretation of the study written by a doctor on the pharmaceutical company’s payroll.

I’ve coached many physicians to learn nutriceutical approaches to mood and sleep disorders. This is always gratifying. Surprising was the fact that some did not know that SSRIs yield no net gain in serotonin. Shocking was the fact that these physicians were not taught enough clinical nutrition to know that our brains and intestinal tracts synthesize serotonin from two simple nutritional precursors…5- hydroxy-tryptophan and pyridoxal-5-phosphate (P-5-P). It is important to remember that we need to have enough serotonin in order for SSRIs to have something to re-uptake!

Unlike tryptophan, 5-hydroxy-tryptophan (5-HTP) does not need a carrier protein to ferry it across the blood-brain barrier, so it is highly effective for increasing serotonin production in the Raphe nuclei. Unlike tryptophan, 5-HTP’s conversion into serotonin within the brain is not blocked by excessive cortisol or catecholamine production. This makes 5-HTP a very effective nutriceutical intervention for many people.

Pyridoxine (B-6) is converted into P-5-P with the assistance of magnesium and riboflavin-5-phosphate. Again...5-HTP and P-5-P are required for the body to make it’s own serotonin. This simple knowledge is critical to know in order to assist a patient wean off SSRIs that either are not helping or making them worse.

Helping patients wean off norepinephrine related drugs and SNRIs requires the knowledge of the nutritional co-factors required to produce and excrete catecholamines. The amino acid L-tyrosine, iron, P-5-P, vitamin C, copper, methycobalamin, 5-methyltetrahydrofolate and P-5-P are all required to make catecholamines. Adequate magnesium is essential for efficient catecholamine excretion.

Atypical antipsychotic drugs are now prescribed on top of SSRIs, even when the SSRI has proven ineffective or is causing very troubling effects. This often deleterious cocktail is ruining the quality of life of millions of Americans.

Three atypical anti-psychotic drugs now top the list of the ten best selling drugs in the U.S. They cause an alarming incidence of blood clots, strokes and diabetes. According to, there are presently over 22,000 atypical antipsychotic related lawsuits against pharmaceutical companies and the doctors who have prescribed them.

Physicians recommending these drug cocktails should know the functions and nutritional precursors of all the major neurotransmitters before prescribing drugs that up or down-regulate their function. If for no other reason, avoid a lawsuit. Better yet, learn enough nutritional biochemistry and clinical nutrition to help most mild to moderate mood and sleep issues with nutriceutical not pharmaceutical interventions.

We now need thousands of clinics specializing in helping patients wean off unhelpful or harmful psychoactive drugs! Relatively few of these clinics are now in existence and they can not keep up with the demand to help the millions of patients whose lives have been damaged by the effects of these drugs. Interested physicians just need the knowledge and entrepreneurial spirit to help these people regain their quality of life.

Primum non nocere!

About: Dr. Dean Raffelock is a nationally known expert in integrative health care and consults for physicians nation-wide at Raffelock and Associates. You may contact him at 303.541.9019.

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